You emerge from your captivity into a bright room and come face to face with Agent Wolfsnoot and… the Professor!
Professor Acorn says… “I came to see Martin Banana two days ago. Big Banana say the Splotions are excited for the new banana-carrot exchange but think only someone with the true, yellow heart of a banana should be in charge of such a powerful machine as the Marvellous Banana-o-matic Deluxe.
“He says the portal has been banana-locked from this side so that only the bananariest of bananafolk will be able to restart the portal to get back to Earth. Until then, the bananas stay in Splott.
“Please help me! The world needs bananas, but I can’t figure it out alone!”
The Marvellous Banana-o-matic Deluxe
The Fabulous Auto-Carrot 3000