How to host your NooZoo Escape Party…
NooZoo Park is a silly escape party game to play online with friends. One person will be the host/gamemaster and guide everyone else through. The game involves solving puzzles, crafting, drawing and taking photo evidence in return for passwords. Everything the host needs to run the game is below.
Before the party
Decide who to invite and when! There is no maximum number of players in theory but hosting 1-4 players is probably ideal. Every player will need:
Their own laptop or desktop (unless co-located and sharing).
Access to whatever you plan to use for video/audio chat and screen sharing during the game.
A mobile with a camera and access to WhatsApp (or another messaging app you can use as a group chat).
Bookmark this page so you can find what you need for during the party (below).
Decide if you are going to share your screen or ask one of the players to share. You don’t have to share screens but it makes it easier if everyone is looking at the same thing (for you too!)
It’s probably worth playing or clicking through the game yourself so you know what to expect (see below for details). When you host the party, you will be playing as ‘ALEX-A’.
And finally… this game is free to play but, if you can afford to, we’d ask that you consider making a donation to your local foodbank and asking your guests to donate too! Thanks!
Everything you need to host your party should be in the details below but if you do have any questions, please get in touch using the button below and we’ll be happy to help. We are on UK time (and this isn’t the day job!) but we’ll do our best to answer as soon as we can :)
Hosting the party
(Spoilers below - for the gamemaster’s eyes only!)
Before you start
Get yourselves sorted on Zoom, Google Hangouts or whatever you’ve decided to use, and give everyone the URL:
Get your group chat going on WhatsApp or equivalent
Make sure everyone has read the intro, has pen and paper and is playing on a laptop or desktop. Start screensharing if that’s what you’ve decided to do (but make sure you’re not sharing THIS screen which has the answers on it!)
Make sure everyone is listening, then introduce yourself as ‘ALEX-A’, the host for the evening, and set the scene. You may be as dramatic/creepy as you wish…
Decide if you want to time them
General reminders
Passwords are entered in ALL CAPS and spaces and numbers are allowed
If in doubt, scroll down!
They are allowed to use the Internet to help them and they will need to
If they close their window instead of pressing back on their browser from the password page, they will need to restart. Just give them the latest URL and password so they can catch up
Playing the game
Key: They will give you answers to get PASSWORDS and they should find some SOLUTIONS themselves, but these are also included below in case they get stuck.
When you’re ready for them to press start, the password is RABID (all caps). It’s up to you if you want to give them a team name or let them pick.
To get the password for the lightswitch, they need to send you a photo of them holding 2 batteries. You will give them the password MAYFLY
The corridor has 3 doors. For door 1 the solution they should find is 15 (the footballer’s team number - tell them to scroll down if they don’t see the clue and they will probably need to google this to find the answer). Door 2 is the origami task which gives them solution 74. The 3rd door needs a 4-digit password which is therefore 1574
To get the next clue they need to send you their drawing of the next picture in sequence – a picture of an animal that begins with the letter D, with a dot in the top right corner and a small triangle in the bottom left. It’s up to you if you want to accept any variations on this, but this is technically the right answer. Enjoy and celebrate their artwork! Then tell them to search for the button underneath the fox – the password is WHISPER
They can drag and drop the shapes to get the password to the safe on the right of the screen: FIND SOFIA
Inside the safe they will find a clue in Morse Code (and a hint at the bottom that it is Morse Code) which decodes (i&j = dot, t&f = dash) as TOUCH YOUR NOSE. They need to send you a photo of them touching their nose to get password for the tunnel (bottom of the previous page): SOFTKILL
Once they are all in the tunnel it’s a good time to check if anyone needs a break before you carry on
To find which house to go to in the village they could brute force it, but better they go to the cemetery to find the rest of the letter (scroll down to find it and click on it to assemble the letter). They can use the information in the letter and the map to deduce that the correct house in the Village to click on is Number 43
At Sofia’s house if they have a drink they will need to find the antidote using the maze. There is a pen icon top right which will let them draw on it. When they send you Prussian Blue you will give them the answer LITHIUM. Make sure they are not trying to enter ”PRUSSIAN BLUE” into the password page! If they choose not to have a drink they will bypass this bit.
They will navigate themselves to the enclosure and decipher the sign language (British Sign Language not ASL) to get the password MAISIE
They need to follow the instructions to send you a video/audio of either
Captain Holt from Brooklyn 99 eating a marshmallow
The Arrested Development crew doing a chicken dance
Owen Wilson saying “Wow”
And then you will send them the password MISSING LINK
They only need the grid reference for the portal for the next one which is H4 (Note that the exit itself is H3 but the grid ref for the other portal to get to it is H4)
At the exit, the countdown isn’t real, but they don’t need to know that!
They will see a clue that the next password is the name of a village. The audio button is hidden at the bottom left of the screen. If they can’t hear the audio properly, you can give them the transcription:
“You’re looking for a village. It’s 52.949 by 0.932. Good luck!”They need to put these coordinates (separated by a comma) into Google Maps (or equivalent) and they should find the village of STIFFKEY which will let them escape!
Wrapping up
If you were timing them, stop the clock!
Please encourage your players to have a look at the gallery as some of the previous submissions were… quite varied! And I would love to see your drawings if you want them to be added. There’s an email link in the Gallery.
Thank you for playing! If you all had fun playing this free game, I would encourage you to donate to your local foodbank. And I’d love to hear how your game went – there’s a Contact Us button at the bottom of the final page.