During the party…

Use the instructions below to give people the correct password when they get an answer right. If someone needs a clue, ask them what page
they’re on and use the numbered buttons at the bottom of this page to help them. An overview of the gameplay is provided in the pics on the right.

Overview of Part 1

Overview of Part 2

Passwords for Part 1


They send you (or the group chat)…

You send them (privately)…

0-1 mins

Photo of them holding batteries (page 3)

I see you are resourceful. Shame you have the life expectancy of a MAYFLY

3-15 mins

“GD” (page 7)


6-35 mins

Picture of an animal beginning with the letter D (dog, dolphin, duck, deer), with a triangle on it and a dot top right (page 9)

Mel's dog.png

Search for a button under the fox. If you want to avoid detection you must WHISPER
NOTE: If they can’t find the button, make sure their window is maximised

15-50 mins

“FIND Sofia” (page 10)

You’re doing pretty well but if you’re going to get out of here you’ll have to RUN FASTER

25-60 mins

Photo of them touching their nose (page 11)

You may enter the tunnel SOFTKILL. That’s your name now.
NOTE: Once each player sends you the right photo you can calculate their time for Part 1 if you’re not too busy (see “Finishing Up”)



Once people get the SOFTKILL password they can take a break and wait for people to catch them up in the tunnel. Players who get there first may post some extra pics to the group chat - you can just ignore these!

This game has a very wide range of finish times so if one or two are very behind the rest to finish, you may want to give them a set time limit, after which you just walk them through the answers till they get to the tunnel. Once the time is up, take everyone off mute, go grab a drink, compare notes and get ready to compete - the puzzles in Part 2 are a bit simpler so everyone has a good chance at being first to finish even if they were slow initially.

You might want to use the break to calculate how long everyone has taken to finish Part 1 - there’s tips on how to do this in the “Finishing up” section. But you can do this later if you prefer!

Make sure everyone is ready to go again, then post to the group chat:

Oh no! It’s time to go and all you have to protect yourself is this THIMBLE (page 12)


Passwords for Part 2


They send you (or the group chat)…

You send them (privately)…

5-12 mins

“Prussian Blue” (page 19)
(Note – most people will send this but not necessarily all)

You’re so happy ‘cause today you found your friends, they’re in in your head. Better take LITHIUM too.

7-20 mins

“My name is” (or any variation of this) (page 24)

My name is MAISIE

10-30 mins

A video of them doing an impression of: (page 25)

  • Captain Holt eating a marshmallow, OR

  • The Arrested Development chicken dance


Audio transcript if needed (page 29): You’re looking for a village. It’s 52.949 by 0.932. Good luck!

15-40 mins

“Stiffkey” (page 29)

I used to live in Stiffkey, but after the “incident” I’m much happier up the coast in SALTHOUSE
NOTE: Once each player sends you “Stiffkey” you can calculate their final time if you’re not too busy


Once you’ve given the last person the SALTHOUSE solution… you’re ready to finish up!

If someone needs a clue, ask them what page they’re on and use the numbered buttons below to help them.