Ranch Productions presents…

The Demo

A game for aspiring recording artists everywhere

1. Phone a friend

This is a collaborative 2-player game. You’ll be looking at different screens, so choose who you’re going to play with and decide how you’re going to communicate during the game.

If there are more of you, just divide into 2 teams. Or if you want to play alone, that’s fine too. Just open two tabs and play as both characters.


2. Grab the essentials

There’s nothing here that requires ultra-mind-bending spatial awareness, but a pen and paper will definitely make your life easier. And please play on a desktop or laptop for the best playing experience.

3. If you get stuck… use a hint!

If you really don’t know how to progress, Professor Acorn has left you hints in the white section at bottom of some screens. Hints are numbered so make sure to use them in the correct order to avoid unnecessary spoilers. You won’t have all of the numbers so you’ll have to rely on your partner for the rest. Just click on a hint if you need to use it, but obviously using fewer hints is better! Hints look like this…


Hint 1

Hint 2 (Soln)


4. Spot the interactive boxes

Throughout the game, you’ll find boxes that look like this, with the genial.ly logo in the bottom left corner.

These can be made full screen using the arrows in the bottom right corner (use escape or the arrows to exit). Genial.ly boxes contain some sort of interactive content, like draggable elements or a pen for drawing. Feel free to have a play with this one… but you might need to make it bigger.